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Light 4 Life

Light 4 Life is a more than just a manufacturing house. Through a unique partnership with Exceptional Children's Foundation, we’re able to create beauty and opportunity.

For adults living with a disability, finding meaningful work is often very challenging. The individuals with developmental disabilities who participate with Light 4 Life are trained by Light 4 Life staff in the art of hand-crafted candle making. They also receive personalized coaching from ECF staff on both professional and life skills development. This integrated workplace training shows participants the way to greater independence while increasing their self-confidence, self-esteem and financial security.


Light up someone’s life today: donate to the Exceptional Children’s Foundation.

About ECF:  Founded in 1946 by a group of parents who pooled their resources to create a daycare program for their children with developmental disabilities, this visionary organization now provides the highest quality services for individuals of all ages challenged with developmental, learning, and emotional disabilities – empowering them all to reach their greatest potential.